Max Blasdel - Researcher, Web Mapping Enthusiest

Background in Natural Resources Management and Forestry with a BS from Oregon State University. While at OSU I took a few GIS courses and became very interested in geospatial sciences. Continued with a Graduate Certificate in GIS from Portland State after graduating. Ended up working various seasonal jobs with City, County, and National Parks. I got tired of working seasonal positions and decided to go to graduate school which brought me to Humboldt State University.
Joined the Natural Resources department of Humboldt State University with a focus in energy policy, life-cycle assessment, GIS analysis, and data analysis. Also started working at the Scahtz Energy Research Center (SERC) as a researcher for a biomass life-cycle assessment project. Started using R for spatial data analysis and really loved it. Ended up jumping into R and now use it almost everyday for data wrangling, data conversion, analysis, visualization, and web scraping.
Became interested in web development and took a class on web mapping to support my work at SERC. Learned the basics of JavaScript and fell in love with process Developed a website for our project and the user interface to our web mapping tool. I have continued to learn as much as I can about web development and JavaScript, making as many pet projects as I have time for.
Currently Reading

The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis
This book changed how I feel about data. It took something I was interested in and turned it into something of direct importance. Engaging and frightening at the same time

Currently Learning

D3.js: Data visualizations and animations
Turf.js: Geospatial library for client side analysis
MySQL: Database management